When is it good to drink green tea?
Green tea is loaded with natural antioxidants and fights with free radicals which are the cause of many chronic diseases. To get the maximum amount of nutrients from green tea, the best time to drink green tea is between meals (1 hour before or 1 hour after the meal) here are a few tips when it is good to drink green tea for different purposes.
<For Obesity>
You can drink 30 min before you work out to boost metabolism and it helps burn fat faster. It also gives energy so you can exercise longer! You can also drink it during meals or right after the meals since the catechins (antioxidant) may prevent the absorption of fats in your body. Our recommendation is Sencha green tea powder and Sencha loose leaf tea. For Sencha loose leaf tea, try to eat the used leaves by adding to your salad etc to get the same effect as Sencha green tea powder, as most nutrients remain in the leaves.
<For type 2 diabetes>
You can drink during your meal since green tea may help prevent your blood sugar level go up and prevent sugar absorption.
<For high LDL cholesterol>
If you drink green tea with your meals or right before or right after the meals, the green tea may help prevent absorbing LDL cholesterol.
<For those who are studying>
Amino acid called L-Theanine create alpha waves in nervous system so it helps with your concentration and memory. You can drink before you study or work – Matcha and Kariganecha and Gyokuro are rich in L-theanine
<For fatty liver>
If you drink green tea with your meal, right before or right after the meals, it may prevent absorbing fats and sugar.
<When you have hangover>
Even Samurai warriors used to drink Japanese green teas as a hangover cure. You can drink it and it may flush the toxins.
Next up what you need to know (what you have to be careful about) before you start drinking green tea and my experience with our tea!